Sunday 11 November 2012

Facebook Ceritabaek.!

Facebook has upgraded and it seems to be much more complicated. Only 10% of you see our Facebook page posts now. Please follow the steps below to make sure you stay up to date with our news!

1. On the Facebook page from your computer (it won’t work from your mobile).

2. Place your cursor onto the “Liked” button located right below our Facebook cover banner for a while and a drop menu will appear.

3. Select “Add to interest list“.

4. If you don't have an interest list, please create one and add our page along with the other pages you like. This is to allow you to continue to get news updates from us.

Thank you! Have a great day! : )

Facebook has upgraded and it seems to be much more complicated. Only 10% of you see our Facebook page posts now. Please follow the steps below to make sure you ...



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